Sunday, May 2, 2010

MiniMondays: Sunshinedaydreamz

This month’s MiniMonday featured shop is “Sunshinedaydreamz” The shop is owned by Beth, a wife and a stay-at-home mom to 3 great kids, and a true California girl from SanDiego.
To fill in her time at home while watching her 3 children (I admit I don’t know many mothers with 3 children who have any time all!) but, Beth always seemed to have the need to be creative, working with her hand. She soon became obsessed with home decorating, painting and gardening... and after taking jewelry lessons, her passion turned to jewelry!
True to her California roots, her other passion is going to the beach, which she refers to as her “sunshine daydream” hence the name of her shop. Looking at Beth’s jewelry, she artfully has everything displayed as if we were walking along the beach with her. Her “rockin’” handcrafted earrings, necklaces, and bracelets which consist of gemstones, glass, crystal, silver copper and leather, are all beautifully laid across the many seashells I imagine she must find during one of her many “daydreaming” strolls along the beach. Beth’s jewelry not only includes pieces for women, but has designs for men also.
Beth’s other shop: , is filled with fun vintage items such as vintage jewelry, bikes, skateboards, and music, which she describes as “old school stuff”.
Besides being a member of EtsyBloggers, Beth is also a member of (CCCOE) CaliforniaCraftersClub of Etsy. After you visit the many beautiful pieces of jewelry in her “daydreamz” shop, and all the various vintage “old school” items from her other shop; you can find out more about Beth on her blog”

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: MagdaleneJewels EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for such a flattering feature! It made waking up on a Monday morning a bit easier :)
What a great team!

Memories for Life said...

Her pieces make me dream of the beach as well!!!

aubepine said...

Great feature and beautiful jewelry!

cindy said...

Congrats to both of you!

storybeader said...

can't wait to go visit her other shop!