1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did
you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
I create polymer clay items including Pandora beads, sculpture, tiles, etc. I started working in polymer clay about 10 years ago and it just stuck.
My creative process is just a flow as you go kind of thing. I don't make any plans up, it's either hit or miss and sometimes things turn out lovely and sometimes not so good.
2. To which Etsy teams do you belong?
Etsybloggers, of course. I also belong to Polymer Clay, Polymer Clay Enthusiasts and On Fire for Handmade.
3. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I love my family, my dog and I'm a real homebody if that's interesting ;)
4. What inspires your creations?
Dogs, dogs and more dogs.
5. How did you get involved with Etsy?
I learned about Etsy through another group I was in on E-Bay.
6. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
Doing everything from the creative process to advertising to packaging items, it's very time consuming!
7. What crafting skill(s) do you wish you had or hope to learn someday?
Knitting, I admire people who can knit.
8. If you had to be an animal for one week, which animal would you choose to
be? And what would you do?
I think it's obvious, I'd love to be a dog owned by me and we'd do fun things like go to the park, play in the river, fetch sticks.
9. If money were no object for just one day, what would you do?
Buy 20,000 acres of land.
10. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Nanjodogz blog
11. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your shop or your work?
I love what I do and that's so important when you're doing handmade because you take it so personally and you have to do so much to make it work.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Great interview and very adorable creations :)
Her little dogs are just so cute! They have adorable little faces :)
Great interview! I had lots of fun choosing my favorite doggy beads!
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