Just in time for Halloween, our second Etsy Mini Monday Star is AliciaMae, home of fantastic
costume masks and other make-believe mischief. She is also a maker after my own heart, creating wood burned boxes to house innumerable treasures. There's just something about an empty box that screams possibility, and hers scream with a charming Irish accent.

My favorite items from her extensive Halloween repository include her inspirational wooden bead necklaces and the (wonderfully authentic-like) magician wands, at a price any mother witch could love.

It is lovely to see this new feature and some great first picks too... I'm off to promote my up-coming carnival.
Sara x
Those masks are beautiful. And for a great cause too!
Very cool masks. A great feature choice with Halloween coming up!
I love this new feature! Beautiful work Alicia Mae!
aww thank you! I have returned from vacation safely and am very pleased to read this entry and comments :D You highlighted some of my absolute favorites!!
very very cool stuff! what a nice feature writeup.
Haaa, I love that wand!!
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