Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival - for 11/14/11 thru 11/27/11

Ah-ho! I bet you all thought we'd forgotten to post the Blog Carnival for this two week period, didn't you? Well you'd be partially correct in that assumption! LOL! I certainly did forget to post it until very late last night, and it's taken me until NOW to finally get here to post! Whew!

But here we are! I've chosen two topics that are close to my heart, and hope that all our team members remember to answer and post their links in the comment section, right here! (I'll do so too!) Here are your choices:

1. November is National Novel Writing Month. As a blogger, have you ever though of crossing over and writing a book? Have you ever tried NaNoWriMo? Win or lose, tell us about your experience!

2. November is also National Diabetes Month. Do you have diabetes or has your life ever been touched by it? Please share any stories you have...

Please be sure to visit the blogs of the other participants too!

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: BunnyKissd of FaerieGardenFancies
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!


BunnyKissd said...

Please read my answers to these questions at The Diary of a Crazy Rabbit Lady, Too. And don't forget to leave your links here... ^-^

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...

Just yesterday I was mentioning the novel that I wrote years ago! It's sort of a tangential reply to your question, but at the moment I'm in the middle of a monthly blogging challenge that I've given myself, so this is probably as close as I'll get :-)


riorita said...

When I was a kid, about 10, I started a novel about heroes from world war II(It iwas in fashion then). I wrote a whole new chapter every day.In it there was drama,love, suspense, miracles! I gave it up two weeks after I had started.I guess I realized it was hard to write a whole novel.

riorita said...

Diabetes? - after measuring my waist about a week ago I was rather shocked.So I decided to be on a sugarless diet now.
Hope this will help me look better in my favorite outfits! I will let you know in a month or so!

ThePeachMartini said...

Here's my link for the Blog Carnival this month (better late than never, I always say!)

Thanks for the thought-provoking and some what inspiring questions! :)


Unknown said...

Love, love, LOVE the writer's theme for this carnival. *Smile*


The Handmade Biz said...

How diabetes has affected my life


Finding Charm said...

I have written and scheduled my posts for Monday (diabetes) and Thursday (featured blogger).


AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Here is my blog post on how Diabetes has touched my life...


Patti said...

Hopefully this is better late than never!