For goodness sakes, where does one begin to write about our very own team leader?

Sandra, (but everyone calls her "Joey") is the fearless, dynamic, funny, easy-going, talented, endearing team leader of EtsyBloggers. She has a hubby and two adorable younguns that she adores and looks after as a gift and blessing to her fulfilling life.
"We're all about family and fabric, love and laughter, and handmade super coolness. That's how we rock."- Joey & Aleethea™"
Joey & Aleethea™ is the Admin and Team Leader of the EtsyBloggers team. She is also a member of these fab Etsy teams: EtsyBABY, EtsyKids, EtsyMom, SwankyMoms, FAM, EtsyGreek and Loco for Gocco!
Her "Super Cutesie" baby boutique is named "Joey & Aleethea". If you have children and none of them have a Monster Shirt or monster outfit, or a pair of Ankle Biters lounge pants, or a Monster Cupcake dress, then they are just not super cool "yet"! "Joey & Aleethea™ is a super cutesie boutique for baby boys, baby girls and their peeps!"

Ankle Biters
Where does she find the time and energy?
Joey and Aleethea are "We are baby-wearing, breast-feeding, co-sleeping, attachment-parenting parents!" FYI: Those of us with grown up children, well, we do not do this last part anymore.



Who can resist?
Geeky Argyle with Apples and Pears - Handmade Baby or Toddler Dress
and Bloomers by Joey & Aleethea
Do you have children? Grand or GreatGrand Children? Nieces, Nephews? Need a baby Gift? Please visit her Flickr to see many photographs of her clothing designs. You can also see Joey & Aleethea's gallery of sold items here.
Do you have children? Grand or GreatGrand Children? Nieces, Nephews? Need a baby Gift? Please visit her Flickr to see many photographs of her clothing designs. You can also see Joey & Aleethea's gallery of sold items here.
Are you interested in becoming an official member of the EtsyBloggers team?
See Membership Requirements here : http://etsybloggers.com
Yay for Mother Blogger :)
That cupcake dress is to die for! Super-cutesie is right!!!
awesome post!
Yay for Joey!!!!!!!!♥
I love that cupcake dress too! Thanks for all you do for this group Joey!
What Fun...great post!
Wonderful post! Thanks for everything you do for us Joey (aka Sandra)!
I love our awesome Mother Blogger! Great feature on her :)
What a wonderful post! She truly must not sleep!
Woots for Mother Blogger!!!! And all her little monsters, whether on 2 legs, 4 legs or appliqued!
Super cute clothes--was hoping to see the shop open again but with the CPSIA? and the move....Maybe a new shop?:)
Oh I love that Monster Cupcake Dress!! Thank you Mother Blogger.. You're ROCK!!!
Awesome feature and I never knew her name was Sandra
Let's hear it for "Joey"!!!!!!
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