Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Birthday Greetings
Please have a safe and Happy New Year wherever you are, and however you celebrate.
Annmarie from Jack and Ella Thurday Dec 31
Just found out that Paige, also from Jack and Ella had her bd on the 7th of December - happy belated bd!
Leslie from Bei Mondi Monday Jan 4 her shop is on vacation until Friday
Elle from Down the Street Tuesday Jan 5
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Journal Swap for EtsyBloggers - a start of something new?
I got this idea from a website called swap-bot, that exchanges postcards, bookmarks, pincushions, all kinds of things. So first of all, thank you Rachel and Travis, for your website. If anyone's into swapping, their site is a great place to visit.
But my special thanks goes to ratbatzine, for the journal swap idea. This is a little different than just mailing items. Everybody will be required to write in their journals, on prearranged topics, starting March 1st. And in the first week of April, you will mail the journal back to your Swap Mate.

Like most things that involve a large group (hopefully) of people, we need to set some guidelines. So first off, here are some explanations and rules for the Journal Swap:
- This Swap Is Limited To EtsyBloggers Only! So if you want to participate, and you're not a member of the EtsyBloggers team, now's the time to join!
- All messages and signing up for Journal Swap will be managed through the Etsybloggers Message Board "Ideas/Idea and Info re: our EtsyBloggers Street Team/Journal Swap"
- The journal that you send can either be handmade or bought.
- There will be a cost involved, so to make things fair, I'm limiting supplies and mailing to $30. You can spend as much time as you want, getting things together!
- The storybeader will act as coordinator! All messages/questions/etc regarding this Journal Swap should be directed to the storybeader, within the Journal Swap signup thread.
- The Swap Mate you send your journal to and the person you receive your package from, will not be the same. I will do a random pick to match everyone with a Mate (Swap-bot doesn't believe in partnering, and I want to follow their rules.)
- I'll announce Swap Mates on the Message Board on Jan 18th (my birthday!) You will have until Jan.31st to exchange your mailing address with your Swap Mate.
But that's only half the fun.
- Swapping journals will last one month. I'm setting aside the month of February for everyone to get their packages delivered. This is an international swap, so be aware of your Swap Mate's address.
- If anyone is having problems,
like never getting a mailing address from their Swap Mate or not receiving a package, please contact the storybeader via the Journal thread and tell me what's up. Remember the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If you think you can't fulfill some of the requirements, have fun watching, not participating. I will keep track of "problem swappers" and pass this list onto the next coordinator, who may ban these shops from the next swap.
- Starting March 1, we will begin to write in our journals. All the topics are in the Message Board. Please do them all. You should do topic #1 (scroll down on the Message Board - it's in purple) first, but after that, you can do the topics in any order.
- Everyone will mail their journals back to their Swap Mates the first week of April, and write about their experience, sometime during the month, in a blog post.
January 1, 2010: Signup Starts - go to the Message Board to sign up!
January 11, 2010: Signup Ends - if you missed the deadline, sorry! Wait till the next swap!
January 18, 2010: Swap Mate Announcement - I will modify the second post, and list Mates there
February 28, 2010: Last day journals must be sent to your Swap Mate. ("Media Mail" is the cheapest rate, at least in the US)
March 1 - 31, 2010: Journal entries
April 1- 8, 2010: Mail your journal back to your Swap Mate, and write about your experience.
OK, there's the rules!

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: storybeader
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Internet Artisan Interview - JN Originals
What's the name of your business/shop?
I sell fiber arts-produced goods in JN Originals ,

and paper arts-produced items in Mister PenQuin , although there is sometimes some crossover.

I also have a destash shop called 2nd Chance Treasures .

Do you have a registered domain name and/or a blog?
Although I don’t have a registered domain, I do have a couple of blogs. Word Walks, my personal writing space (, is where I reflect, dream and talk about inspiration. Word Walks meanders in much the same way that a “walkabout” in Australia does, except that the journey takes place in words, not on foot. Spark Lines ( features Etsy artists whose work I admire, as well as discussions related to creative expression.
What type of handmade products do you sell?

Show us a piece you recently finished.
What are you working on right now? Any sketches?
I’m not one of those people who works on one project at a time. If you visit my sewing room or paper studio, and look about, you’ll see all kinds of UFOs (UnFinished Objects). Dolly, my dress form, is wearing a half-finished apron. On top of the sewing machine cabinet is a journal cover, waiting to be satin-stitched. The drawer in the paper studio contains date books waiting to be assembled with my Bind-It-All. I never run out of ideas, just time, so I keep a notebook where I jot these down. That notebook contains ideas for a fourth shop, likely for fabric products.
If you have a website or blog, what do you use for advertising? What do your avatars look like?

If you have a website or blog, tell us about your favorite widget.
Since I love to surf the Web, the widget I enjoy the most is LinkWithin , which lists three clickable blog links (with photos) beneath each post in a particular blog. This is a wonderful way to explore related content.
Which online selling vendors do you use? What do you like best about each one?

Are you involved in social networking? What's your favorite and why? If you're not involved, you must have a good reason!
While my time to chat is limited, I do visit with others in Etsy’s forums, particularly with team members. And I enjoy doing the same on Facebook and Twitter. It is always a challenge, however, to balance social networking with marketing and creative time.
All of us can use a helpful business hint once a week. What's yours?

Do you have a "modus operandi" for computing the price of a handmade object? Tell us your formula?
I compute the actual cost of products, packaging and fees, and double that for my price.
We'd love to see your little corner of the world, where you create.
I use my son’s bedroom as my paper studio, since he vacated it after graduating from college this past June, and relocating to Chicago. His desk is my paper crafting space, and his bookcase and dresser holds my supplies and tools. See this blog for photos of my paper studio:
I’m satisfied with the sections I have developed in JN Originals, but would like to expand my felted bag line. Currently I am adding detachable handles to my Rebecca Bags to satisfy users who want handles, and users who want clutches. This way they can have both! I would also like to add Margarete Bags to the shop, which essentially are felted wool bags with handles that are big enough to carry a magazine. At this time next year, I hope that Mister PenQuin will be filled with brag books, notebooks, journals, padfolios, and box books or albums. The ideas just keep coming.
OK, the storybeader's turn. My favorite?
I just love Judy's sewing books. Yes, you all know I love anything "book" but these are great for the seamstress, who are involved in multiple projects. The perfect gift - I wish I saw these before December. This is my favorite one:

See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Birthday Wishes during this holiday season!
Patch First Shop a belated birthday wish to you! - Dec 15
Mi Lady Creations a new member who is being sent a belated birthday wish - Dec 18
CalKat - Dec 23
Sunshine Day Dreamz - Dec 23
Andi Kim - Dec 25 - working on new items for shop!
Miss B MCKay - Dec 29
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Monday, December 21, 2009
Dec. 21st Edition of EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: joeyandaleethea
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out! See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
Friday, December 18, 2009
Internet Artisan Interview - Locust Street
What's the name of your business/shop?

Locust Street
Do you have a registered domain name and/or a blog?
Facebook—Locust Street

Right now I am making handmade journals. The covers are paper grocery bags that I doodle on or collage on, ink, then cover with packing tape. The insides are recycled paper… paper that’s plain, stamped, inked, doodled on, old envelopes, postcards, random papers, maps, pictures etc all hand cut and bound with metal wire. They’re smaller in size… about the size of an old postcard. 5 1/2"x 4"
I am also working on some Christmas Banners. As soon as I finish my next batch of journals I will be working on the banners more.
Show us a piece you recently finished

What are you working on right now? Any sketches?
Here is one the banners… I’m still working on the prototype. There are some MAJOR changes that I’ll be doing… but this is the relative idea..

If you have a website or blog, what do you use for advertising? What do your avatars look like?
I haven’t advertised much yet. I am waiting to build up more stock. I will be pushing my facebook fan site more, spending more renewing items on etsy and participating more on others blogs.
If you have a website or blog, tell us about your favorite widget.
My etsy mini for sure!
Which online selling vendors do you use? What do you like best about each one?

Are you involved in social networking? What's your favorite and why? If you're not involved, you must have a good reason!
I have a facebook fan site. I run special sales just for them. I will be working on upping my fans once I finish my next set of journals.
All of us can use a helpful business hint once a week. What's yours?
Do be afraid to let people know what you do (both online and day to day)… you never know who will be your next costumer! And fight the urge to give friends and family large discounts on the products you’re selling!
Do you have a "modus operandi" for computing the price of a handmade object? Tell us your formula?

We'd love to see your little corner of the world, where you create.
Sometimes I work on a typing table next to my computer… this was my actual workspace for my first set a journals… chaos sometimes helps me feel like I don’t have to reach perfection. Other times I haul everything up to the kitchen table.

Where do you see your artwork in one year? Any plans in the works?
I am in my first month with this and never imagined that I would already have a few etsy sales, be selling in an actual shop and being interviewed for a blog! I think I’ve already passed my one year goal! I would love to come up with a few more different products… some that were a little faster to create... and keep finding stores to sell them to. I am also starting to think about doing a few craft fairs. I’m excited what this year has in store!
OK, it’s storybeader’s turn to pick a favorite.
Kristy is a real soul sister, loving many of the things that I hold dear: books, notetaking and recycling. Love the color of this little journal - you need to look at the images in her Etsy shop, to understand how her mind works! They’re terrific!

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: storybeader
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Here's to a wonderful group of Etsybloggers on their birthdays!
lunasbaublebilities's birthday is December 17
plushrobotart's birthday is December 21
akeepersjackpot's birthday is December 21
Enjoy ladies and may you have many more!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday Feature -- CalKat the Jewelry Junkie
I had a great time checking out all these shops full of pretty shiny things, and was utterly charmed by the Yoga Fairies, particularly this purple Namaste pose!

CalKat was kind enough to take time from their busy holiday schedules to answer a few questions. Enjoy the interview!
1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
We make one of a kind artisan jewelry. We use only high quality gemstones and precious metals. In our other three shops we work with polymer clay as our primary medium along with recycled glass and wood.
We began 7 years ago designing and creating artisan jewelry under the tutelage of our dear friend Suzanne Colucci of Belandaria Designs. What we didn't learn from Suzanne we learned from books and experimentation.
Our use of polymer clay was a progression in to a more flexible medium, something that allowed us to be creative and widen our spectrum of items.
2. To which Etsy Teams do you belong?
EtsyBloggers Team
Polymer Clay Artist Guild of Etsy (PCAGOE Team)
Etsy Dark Side Team
3. How did you get involved with Etsy?
We heard about it and fell in love with it. It seemed to us the perfect venue for our artistic offerings.
4. What inspires your creations?
The miraculous mind of Tim Burton, A.D.D., our love of all things shiny, Halloween, vintage inspired anything, the artwork of Dr. Seuss, the amazing imaginations of Lewis Carroll and JK Rowling, nature and the endless possibilities provided via polymer clay and pmc (Precious Metal Clay).
5. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
Getting noticed amongst so many talented artists and making a name for ourselves.
6. What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)?
Our signature Zodiac handcrafted pendants in CalKat. In Ametista, Night's Grace Artistic Apothecary Bottle and any of our Monster boxes, in our Yoga Fairy shop, we love them all.
7. Why is it your favorite?
In CalKat it's our Zodiac necklaces. These pieces are extremely unique, everything from the hand carving of the mold to the firing of the PMC is done by us. Each necklace includes corresponding gemstones to signify ones sun, moon and rising signs. Our customers who wear these personal talismans tell us that it is their favorite necklace and rarely take it off.
In Ametista it's "Night's Grace" as it embodies the look and the idea of Ametista,which is a darkly whimsical shop in which old is made new and uniquely re-purposed. We like to incorporate the use of recyclable glass and wooden boxes to create our artistic oddities.
Our Yoga Fairies shop just makes us giggle every time we look at them.
8. What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
Be persistent, don't give up, try new ideas. Check out your favorite stores, find out what makes them sucessful and then follow their lead. Make things that you love and it will show through in your work.
9. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
A. One of us is an avid photographer and the other one has a beautiful singing voice.
B. The whole reason we decided to work for ourselves, was so that we' never have to wear pantyhose EVER AGAIN.
10. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Facebook search Ametista Artistic Offerings
11. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your shop or your work?
We're excited to be working with PMC more in the upcoming year. We have a number of ideas we can’t wait to manifest.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: mamasmagicstudio
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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Internet Artisan Interview - Linda B's Beaded Jewelry
What's the name of your business/shop?
Do you have a registered domain name and/or a blog?
What type of handmade products do you sell?
I create handbeaded jewelry, keychains, bookmarks, car jewelry, stamped paper greeting cards, candles
Show us a piece you recently finished

What are you working on right now? Any sketches?
You can see pics on my blog on Sun. post
If you have a website or blog, what do you use for advertising? What do your avatars look like?

If you have a website or blog, tell us about your favorite widget.
On Blogspot, my favorite widget is the Share application that allows me to post to Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites.

Yes, I have my Website, which needs updating at, (temporarily).
I also have photos at and
Are you involved in social networking? What's your favorite and why? If you're not involved, you must have a good reason!
I love tweetdeck and am on the EtsyTwitter team.
All of us can use a helpful business hint once a week. What's yours?

Do you have a "modus operandi" for computing the price of a handmade object? Tell us your formula?
I take the cost times x factor depending on the complexity of the item and listing costs, etc.
We'd love to see your little corner of the world, where you create.
I have to get more pics, but my blog from Sun. has a couple of projects underway.
Where do you see your artwork in one year? Any plans in the works?

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A birthday to celebrate!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
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Monday, December 7, 2009
December 4th Blog Carnival is Here!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: NicoDesigns
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Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday Feature -- Foxy G. Knits
I love all her Goddess Shawls, especially this one -- After the Rain. Aren't the colors amazing?

1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
Foxy G. Knits features hand-knit, one-of-a-kind shawls, wraps and scarves that are versatile and designed for today's woman. My items encompass comfort and style, and you don't have to give up one for the other.
Knitting is my passion that has its roots in childhood. I learned from my mom, way back when we were carving our needles out of dinosaur bones. And then, sadly, I fell off the wagon and embraced needlepoint and counted cross stitch for countless years (pardon the pun). However, being a woman of true grit and strong character, I saw the light and found my way back.
2. To which Etsy Teams do you belong (if any)?
Etsy Bloggers Team
EtsyTwitter Team
Etsy North Georgia Street Team
3. How did you get involved with Etsy?
For a long time, knitting was an avocation and not a vocation for me. While others expressed their creativity through cooking or gardening or painting, I was clicking away on my needles. In sheer and utter desperation, friends and family finally convinced me to open a store on etsy. I just know that they were getting so tired of receiving scarves, shawls, baby blankets and hats for birthdays and every other special occasion! In September 2008, I took the plunge and opened Foxy G. Knits where everything is knit by hand – from my heart to yours.
4. What inspires your creations?
My inspiration comes from colors and textures in the everyday world around me. My favorite part of the creative process is coordinating and blending various yarn colors and textures. I have the ability to conceptualize and see various colors, textures and designs before they are actual completed items.
5. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
I would have to say that my biggest challenge related to my Etsy shop is finding my niche. What I think will sell does not always. And what I think might never sell sells quickly. While I can get the Etsy demographics, I do not yet have a good handle on the demographics of Foxy G. Knits shoppers.
6. What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite item could change with my mood, so I will go with the first one I thought of when I read this question: Hand Knit Lady in Red Scarf

I love how it looks in photos and sounds in the description: You are saucy and sassy, sultry and sexy, stylish, smart and oh, so sophisticated. Just showing up in this elegantly simple, femininely tailored scarf makes words unnecessary. You will mesmerize anyone within eye shot.
7. What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
As a seller, run your business like you are the customer – be that customer. What makes you want to shop in a particular place – service, attention to detail? And do get comfortable with promoting yourself.
I know that many artists and artisans do not like to promote themselves, and I truly understand. However, if you don’t promote yourself, it is like throwing a party and not sending out invitations. I bet no one shows up. But there are ways to promote yourself that are not distasteful. I use a variety of methods to market or promote Foxy G. Knits, and they all involve building relationships and trust. I am a member of three teams and share useful information with them at every opportunity. I have a blog and promote members of my teams, as well as other etsy sellers. I am also on twitter.
8. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
How I chose my shop name: I have a little granddaughter who is 2 ½ years old. When we were selecting our grandparent names, I joked that I would be “Grandma Lo” by day and “Foxy G.” by night. When I was trying to come up with a name for my shop, Foxy G. Knits was a natural!
My magnificent obsession: When I am not knitting, I am collecting weird, old ashtrays. Currently, I have more than 3,000. (They live in my master bedroom, and I inhabit the west wing!) I also have cigarette cases and boxes, lighters, old magazine ads, sheet music and many promotional pieces that were put out by the various cigarette companies. My goal is to one day curate an exhibit of the 20th century as seen through these items. I am in the process of building a blog for my ashtray collection: Reflections on an Ashtray Collection
Marketing idea that really worked: Recently, I wanted to build a Facebook Fan page and get to 100 fans so that I could secure my vanity name. So, I offered to knit a children’s scarf for the local homeless shelter for every new fan I received from July 15 – August 15. And I posted that information on my Facebook page as well as tweeted about it. I thought that it would take me a month to reach 100, but it took only four days. By the time the promotion was over, I owed the shelter more than 200 scarves!
9. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Blog: Foxy G’s Den of i-KNIT-quity
Facebook biz page:
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic Studio
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Happy Birthday to a wonderful Etsyblogger!
Emily's birthday is the 7th of December - enjoy your day!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
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Monday, November 30, 2009
MINI MONDAY: "Magdalene Jewels"

Magdalene Jewels is today's Mini Monday featured Etsy Blogger Artisan
Pam, the person behind "MagdaleneJewels”, is also known as Mags, MJ or Magdalene. Otherwise known as Pam, she has been single for many years, and raised 3 children, Kelly, Keith and Ryan; and as of last month became a grandmother for the first time!
A little word of wisdom from Magdalene, which is so much of her personality: “the smile you send out, always returns”.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: A Keeper's Jackpot
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Internet Artisan Interview - Dawn Correspondence
What's the name of your business/shop?

Do you have a registered domain name and/or a blog?
I have a blog, and am working on getting a website of my own right now! My blog can be found at
What type of handmade products do you sell?
I am passionate about paper, so I create customized stationery wedding invitations, announcements...basically, all things paper! I also create handmade envelopes, and have recently started selling boxed stationery that is personalized for gifts!
Show us a piece you recently finished
I've been listing my holiday line recently, and this is one of my favorites of the season:

What are you working on right now? Any sketches?
Right now I am working on getting all my holiday items listed! I've also started gathering ideas for my Valentine's Day cards. I don't have any sketches - I typically keep an ongoing list of ideas (a notebook that goes with me EVERYWHERE!) and I work straight from the computer! I'll be listing holiday items for the next couple of weeks, though, so stay tuned!
If you have a website or blog, what do you use for advertising? What do your avatars look like?
I do all my advertising through word of mouth and social networking. I've found them to be really powerful resources and tools. My avatar is ever-changing. I use a photo of something I am currently working on, and it changes every couple of months or so.

If you have a website or blog, tell us about your favorite widget.
I really enjoy the Facebook widget. It's a great way to get the basic Facebook info on a website. It also makes it super easy for people to fan me if they like my blog!
Which online selling vendors do you use? What do you like best about each one?
I use Etsy and Art Fire. I think they are both great in their own ways. Etsy admin work really hard to promote Etsy as a whole and get Etsy at the top of searches through strategic SEO. Art Fire, on the other hand, provides a variety of tools for sellers to market themselves - the Facebook kiosk, coupon codes, and ability to add widgets to your shop are all great tools.

Are you involved in social networking? What's your favorite and why? If you're not involved, you must have a good reason!
I LOVE social networking. Number one: It's FREE! How can you not like that?! Number two: It's more personal than other forms of advertising. Number three: It's like the crabgrass theory - if someone sees me post a new listing on Facebook, they may give it a "thumbs up" or leave a comment, and that disperses to THEIR group of friends. I don't necessarily have a favorite, because I think all social networking tools work together to help create my "brand", and each help to promote me in different ways.
All of us can use a helpful business hint once a week. What's yours?

We'd love to see your little corner of the world, where you create.
Oh, no! No judging please!

That's something I have been working on lately. I calculate the cost to create one item (or one package of stationery) and I add a percentage to it. That percentage covers my time put into creating the item, and other various expenses (percentage of office space rent, tools, etc.)
Where do you see your artwork in one year? Any plans in the works?
In one year, I'd like to be creating full-time. I am getting closer and closer each day, and that is certainly my ultimate goal!
It's the storybeader's turn to pick a favorite!
This pineapple thank you card says it all. It's beautiful and sweet - what more could you want?

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: storybeader
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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EtsyBloggers HOLIDAY S*A*L*E* -- Black Friday thru Cyber Monday 2009!
H a p p y H o l i d a y s ! !
The EtsyBloggers HOLIDAY S*A*L*E* is going on from Black Friday thru Cyber Monday!!
That's Friday 11/27/09 thru Monday 11/30/09!!
Shop by Category -- see below list for the participating shops offering HOLIDAY savings!!
H a p p y S h o p p i n g ! !
Holiday sale - 20% off all product orders over $50.00 before shipping (not includes custom orders)
Hand made polymer clay accessories, beads and buttons.
Wild Goose Chase
15% off all items! Refund will be issued through PayPal after payment is received. Enter "Etsy Bloggers Sale" in the message to seller at checkout to receive cash back.
Low priced stocking stuffers including One-Of-A-Kind awesome mirrors.
Huge sale featuring my watercolor paintings, drawings, ACEOs, altered art book pages, and prints! Check out the SALE SECTION in my shop for great buys - some up to half off!
Bags and Purses
Tilt creations
FREE Worldwide Shipping. Mention "Etsybloggers" when checking out and shipping costs will be refunded through Paypal after payment is received.
Handmade handbags and accessories
Bath and Beauty
Spotted Cow Soaps
20% off all product orders over $50.00 (before shipping & excludes Special Buys Section)
Special Buys throughout the Sale
We offer handcrafted soaps and toiletries all lovingly made with our own hands.
FREE SHIPPING on anything in my shop!
Fine Handcrafted Soaps and Bath Accessories
Books and Zines
Many items will be discounted in my SALE section of my shop. All other items (excluding custom orders) will be 10% off. Write "etsybloggers" in the comment box at checkout and I will send your refund via PayPal.
Unique journals and guest books. Great for the holidays -- gifts for teacher, secret santa, hostess gifts, or holiday party guest books!
Joey & Aleethea
Super cool custom-made Monster Shirts, Monster Jeans, Monster Onesies, Monster Dresses, Ankle Biters Lounge Pants and more awesome goodness!! Joey & Aleethea™ is a super cutesie boutique for baby boys, baby girls and their peeps! Just say "EtsyBloggers" upon checkout, and I'll send your refund via Paypal!
Splendid Little Stars
30% off short sleeve T shirts (children and adults) in the HOLIDAY SALE section of my shop! This includes custom orders for all "traditional style" tie dye short sleeve T shirts. Some surprises may pop up in this section as well! 10% off all silk scarves! Prices already marked down!
Unique hand dyed and hand painted (with dye) clothing for children--T shirts, dresses, baby outfits, knotted hats. Some adult items as well! beautiful silk scarves!
Beautiful Bridget Designs
FREE Worldwide Shipping PLUS and additional 10% off of orders of $100 or more (10% refund to be given through Paypal at end of transaction).
Indie handmade knit, crochet & fabric scarves, cowls, hats, fingerless gloves, fashion accessories, jewelry, bags & purses.
15% OFF Everything In Stock. Refund given through Paypal after payment is received.
Awesomely cute and practical gifts and accessories. Handbags, Hair Accessories, Keyfobs, Laptop/Ipod Sleeves, Spa Items, Mug Cozies, Ornaments..etc!
Dolls and Miniatures
Everything Else
Simply Digital Designs
10% off EVERYTHING in my shop (refund by paypal)
Miss Millificent's World
15% off all items! Refund will be issued through PayPal after payment is received.
Polymer clay miniature "bakery sweets", discarded dollie charms, 1:12 dollhouse miniatures, photography and associated jewelry.
10% off everything! Just write "etsy bloggers" in comments box at checkout and I will send you a refund back via Paypal for 10% off all handmade goodies!
15% off every shop item
Exquisite original design pine needle baskets, each OOAK. Tons of scrubbies perfect for stocking stuffers.
A Keepers Jackpot
*Handmade Pendant Sale: BOGO! Buy one full priced pendant, get another for HALF OFF!*
See "Handmade Pendants" section
Discount applied to the lesser priced items, you MAY mix and match, you will receive a complimentary ball chain with each pendant unless specified otherwise. Limit to three half off pendants per customer. Your refund will be sent via PayPal after payment is received.
Charitable Creations Jewelry
15% off everything in my shop!!! Refund given after payment received.
Personalized Hand Stamped and Sterling Silver Hand Made Jewelry - 10% donated to charity of your choice!! Gifts for Everyone!
Fabulous Chic Designs
Up to 30% off select items- see shop Sale section for great deals.
Stylish handcrafted jewelry!
Faerie Garden Fancies
10% OFF EVERYTHING! Discount already applied...
Magical polymer clay jewelry and figurines, fanciful art, and more!
Jack & Ella Designs
Handcrafted Jewelry and Custom Designs
Linda B's Beaded Jewelry
Free shipping to US & Canada - please put EtsyBlog in Notes to Seller and I'll refund your money via PayPal or Convo me prior to payment.
Made By Melissa
FREE GIFT with every purchase
Beaded jewelry and crochet toys and accessories
Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings all made with Swarovski Crystals - 15% off + free shipping during our Holiday Sale. Please convo me if you are interested in any item, so that I can adjust the price and Reserve it for you!
Mama's Magic Studio
Free shipping, free gift wrap for jewelry items (on request), and for orders over $50 buyer chooses a free gift! Mention "Etsybloggers" when checking out and shipping costs will be refunded to Paypal. See shop announcement for more details.
Unique jewelry, handcrafted knitting needles (as seen in Interweave Knits!), baubles, and bird's nest pendants customized for the Mama in your life.
Mystic Wynd
Up to 50% off selected items - see shop sale section for great buys! Pricing will be marked down, so no waiting for a Refund!
Great Jewelry and accessories - something for everyone!
Free standard shipping World wide too!
Punky Jane Jewelry
FREE WORLDWIDE STANDARD SHIPPING on everything in my shop! Use 'EtsyBlogger' in the message to seller box and shipping will be refunded via PayPal.
Handcrafted and personalized jewelry perfect for everyone on your list!
Sparkly Park
20% off all jewelry! Free shipping in USA for all shop orders over $50 (after discount)! Refund given after payment received.
Lovely hand crafted sterling silver and beaded jewelry makes great gifts and stocking stuffers! Paper products, too--cards, tags, die cuts.
15% off all necklaces and sets in the shop, refund sent after payment received.
Ethnic jewelry with a personal haiku!
on all items in my shop,
Shipping has been adjusted to zero already!
Handmade Jewelry and Accessories !!
Buy one get one of equal or lesser value 50% off! Your savings will be refunded via PayPal, or contact me before checking out for a revised invoice.
One of a kind hand crafted jewelry for men and women, with a California touch. Plus vintage and supplies. Store wide holiday sale!
Sykin's One Stop Twilight Shop
2 FREE 4x6 photos from La Push or Forks, Washington with every purchase!
Twilight inspired jewelry & fanfare
The Grand Design
10% off all regular price items plus check out the Sale section for 20% off a variety of items.
Steampunk, Healing Stones and other unique handcrafted jewelry by CJGrand.
Tokyo Vogue Designs
15% Off ALL ITEMS (refund by paypal)
Pretty Handmade Resin Items & Genuine Gemstone Jewelry
Tulips Treasure Box
$100 off everything over $300, fast refund through paypal after payment received. No prices have been raised to make this "sale".
Beautiful artisan designed and created jewelry, most one-of-a-kind.
Hand Dyed Yarns
Free shipping! Refund will be sent via PayPal after payment is received.
10% off all items in shop (excluding shipping) including those items that are currently on sale. Refund will be sent via PayPal after payment is received.
Hand knit scarves, shawls and wraps for today's women
Free Shipping to anywhere in the World!
Felted bags, bowls, garlands and goodies!
Paper Goods
Everything in my shop is 10% off. Just write "etsy blogger" in comments box at checkout and I will send you a refund back via Paypal for 10% off all handmade goodies. PLUS : Order two of any card set and get FREE matching return address labels, Just send me the address you want on them in the convo.
20% off!
Journals, Rings, Magnets, Things!
Memories for Life Scrapbooks
20% off everything in my S*A*L*E* section...prices will already be marked need to wait for a revised invoice
Memories for Life Scrapbooks...Scrapbooks and More
20% off All Paper Piecings-Singles or Sets!
Paper Piecings, Mini Albums, Premade Pages & Cards
A Vision to Remember
bogo sale on all patterns Buy 1 Get 1 Free nov 25-30
10% off all items in shop excluding shipping. Mention Etsy Bloggers Sale in the Notes to Seller and the refund will be sent after payment is received.
Polymer Clay Dog Collectibles including ornaments, sculpture, beads and more.
Indulge Your Shelf
25% OFF EVERYTHING EXCEPT BUTTONS! Write "ETSY BLOGGERS SALE" in the Notes to Seller and discount refund will be refunded to your PayPal account.
Fabulous and Funky Vintage and Antique Finds -- Decor, Linens, Artwork
Patch First Shop
Please mark "EtsyBloggers Holiday Sale" with order comment, discount refund will be turned to your PayPal account.
Bridal Custom Jewelry and Handmade Swarovski Jewelry
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