Today's Friday feature is the featured Etsyblogger of the Month: Pamela, who runs two Etsy shops.
Magdalene Knits and
Magdalene Jewels.
You'll find lots of lovely, cozy items in Magdalene Knits. I especially love these precious
Christmas Mary Jane booties!

And you'll find lots of pretty shiny things in Magdalene Jewels, including this beautiful
Cobalt Blue Vintage Bracelet:

Enjoy the interview -- and congratulations, Pamela, on being Etsyblogger of the Month for November!
1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft?
I have always loved doing something creative, whether knitting, crocheting, embroidering, quilting, painting, and for the past few years designing my own jewelry, all of which I have taught myself.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a creative nature within. The many Necklaces, Bracelets and Earrings in my shop are all created and designed by myself. As I just started making jewelry a few years ago, it has and still is a learning process. I never had any intention of selling my work, I would just give it away.
As for my knitted and crocheted items which are in my newest shop, “
MagdaleneKnits” - when I found out that my daughter was going to have her first child (my first grandchild) I started crocheting little baby booties, and baby sweaters, and other little baby items, even a little lamb for Easter. I originally had scarves and neck warmers in my jewelry shop, but they have now been relegated to my “knit” shop as well. For any of you who do knit or crochet, you will understand when I say it is a very relaxing activity?
When I first started, I never had any intention of selling my work, I would just give it away. If someone said how much they liked a certain piece, well, it was then theirs – I still tend to do this with my friends, even when they want to pay me
2. Are we teammates on any Etsy Teams?
Besides being a member of the “EtsyBloggers Team”, I also am a member of the “Bbest Team”. Since I opened my Knit/Crochet shop I have joined the “CreateCrochet Team”, and “CrochetOriginals Team”.
3. What is involved in your creative process?
I imagine my creative process evolves from my own personality, and what one would term my very vivid imagination. In my “Jewelry” shop, often I will see a beautiful color crystal, which when in the light can reflect so many possibilities that my mind becomes absorbed in a certain moment or feeling or a certain song will come to mind, from there the creativity begins. The same inspirations and creativity can be found in my Knitting and Crochet work. As you can see from most of my pieces, I am one who is truly a romantic and love the feminine aspect of my being.
4. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I think the most important achievement I have accomplished are my three children, Kelly, Keith & Ryan. I have been a single mother since the boys were infants, which only made us closer as a family. No matter what, they have always been there for me, as I have been for them. For those that read my blogs, you know that my newest joy is my little grandson Zachary, who just turned 2 in October!
In between all of this, I am also member of a local theater group as their costume designer, as well as having had a few small parts in some of their plays. I have also managed to joined forces in my work, while designing the costumes, I have also designed jewelry pieces for some of the actresses to wear on stage.
5. What inspires your creations?
I imagine that my inspirations evolve from my own personality and what one would term my very vivid imagination. As all my pieces are made with Swarovski Crystals, often I will see a beautiful color crystal, which when in the light can reflect so many possibilities that my mind becomes absorbed in a certain moment or feeling, or a certain song will come to mind, and from there the creativity begins. Those that truly know me will understand this. As you can see from most of my pieces, I am one who is truly a romantic and love the feminine aspect of my being.
6. What is your favorite item in your shop? Why is it your favorite?
This necklace which I call “The Rose” after one of my most favorite song, “The Rose” by Janis Joplin. It’s Victorian, very feminine look reflects a lot of my inner self.
7. What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
Firstly, I would say to enjoy what you do, that is where you will find your creativity. I also suggest to those that are not part of a team to find one that relates to what their craft is, or interests. One, it is a good way to promote your work, and definitely do some Treasury’s – they are a lot of fun to put together. Also, definitely communicate through your Blogs, Facebook or Twitter, they are good networking tools. Most importantly since I have been here at Etsy, is not the sales I have made or hope to make, but it is the dear friends I have made during the past few years. We are there for each other during our many ups and downs, and very supportive during the many obstacles we often are challenged with.
8. If you had a gift certificate to Etsy for any one item you wanted, what would you buy?
These earrings -- actually I would love anything from
this shop!! It is my favorite Jewelry shop – I purchased one of their rings
“Karma” which I always wear.

9. Which one song describes your life the best? Why?
I would definitely have to say “Let it Be” by the Beatles. When I find life gets to much, and things have let you down, I start singing “Let it Be” and the words “speaking words of wisdom” brings an inner peace and I try to see things in a different light.
10. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Magdalene Jewels and
Magdalene Knits FacebookFlickrTwitterYouTube: I often do Video’s of Treasury’s I make
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by:
Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
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