I always get excited when I see new faces! We have 2 brand new members who are celebrating a birthday this week. That makes it super exciting!
So, in addition to welcoming these new gals, please be sure and send cheery birthday greetings as well :D
Eco Friendly Freckles Saturday April 2
Storybook Artifact Saturday April 2
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Etsy Blogger's blog carnival for March
I'm hosting this month's blog carnival for the wonderful group I belong to: Etsy Blogger's. Here's the choices I picked for topics.
1. April birthstone: diamond- write about it's history, gem info, whether or not you like them, or if this is your birthstone!
2. April Fool's Day: Do you participate? Tell us about a joke you played on someone, or if one has been played on you. What do you think about this "day"?
3. What is your favorite gemstone and why?
I've picked number 3.
My favorite gemstone is tourmaline. Watermelon is number one, green tourmaline comes in second.
watermelon tourmaline

green tourmaline

Tourmaline is a mineral in the aluminum silicate family. They are said to have great electric and magnetic properties. You may have seen tourmaline listed as an ingredient to cosmetics and beauty products.
They are listed as semi-precious gemstones and are found is a variety of colors: green, pink, red, blue, brown, and black. On the Mohs scale, it is rated for hardness at 7.0-7.5
On the metaphysical side, tourmaline is used for its magnetic properties. It can be used to attract energy, (green) tourmaline can calm and balance the brain. Pink tourmaline has been used to stimulate love or new friends.
I'm not sure what originally attracted me to this gem, but I must say that the colors would be the first thing. I guess I like learning about its properties also.
And if you like meditation and holistic living; tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra. Another reason I like this gem!
Members will be posting their links in the comments here. Check back frequently to read more!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: DevinedesignsjewelrySee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
1. April birthstone: diamond- write about it's history, gem info, whether or not you like them, or if this is your birthstone!
2. April Fool's Day: Do you participate? Tell us about a joke you played on someone, or if one has been played on you. What do you think about this "day"?
3. What is your favorite gemstone and why?
I've picked number 3.
My favorite gemstone is tourmaline. Watermelon is number one, green tourmaline comes in second.
watermelon tourmaline

green tourmaline

Tourmaline is a mineral in the aluminum silicate family. They are said to have great electric and magnetic properties. You may have seen tourmaline listed as an ingredient to cosmetics and beauty products.
They are listed as semi-precious gemstones and are found is a variety of colors: green, pink, red, blue, brown, and black. On the Mohs scale, it is rated for hardness at 7.0-7.5
On the metaphysical side, tourmaline is used for its magnetic properties. It can be used to attract energy, (green) tourmaline can calm and balance the brain. Pink tourmaline has been used to stimulate love or new friends.
I'm not sure what originally attracted me to this gem, but I must say that the colors would be the first thing. I guess I like learning about its properties also.
And if you like meditation and holistic living; tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra. Another reason I like this gem!
Members will be posting their links in the comments here. Check back frequently to read more!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: DevinedesignsjewelrySee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Aveda products,
blog carnival,
Etsy Bloggers,
Mohs scale,
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Team Treasury: Deck Your Neck by ThePeachMartini
Another great collection for our team member. This time ThePeachMartini made a wonderful treasury with the theme "Deck Your Neck".. come to see how beautiful your neck can be.. :D
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Happy Birthday to our Etsyblogger Blooms
Where has March gone? Time is really flying, and as we get ready to start planting our flowers, and watching others bloom - be sure to check out these birthday blooms. So bright and creative! Send your brightest wishes...
Random Creative Sunday March 27
A Bird in the Hand Art Monday March 28
Ruggles Stitch Tuesday March 29
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Random Creative Sunday March 27
A Bird in the Hand Art Monday March 28
Ruggles Stitch Tuesday March 29
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Team Treasury: It's Spring TIme! by rjdesignhut
Sorry for the late post of our team treasury!!! :) This treasury reminds me that it's time for Spring!!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
'It's spring time!' by rjdesignhut
![]() Beaded Bracelet - P... $15.00 | ![]() Washcloths, Dishclo... $10.00 | ![]() Palace Green Swarov... $50.00 | ![]() AVOCADO - Round V... $7.00 |
![]() Magnificent Malaysi... $14.00 | ![]() Peridot Swarovski P... $28.00 | ![]() Reusable Snack and ... $9.25 | ![]() Exotic Lemon Flower... $15.00 |
![]() Dick & Jane Vintage... $10.00 | ![]() Silk scarf green fl... $12.00 | ![]() Green Garden Earrin... $18.00 | ![]() Spa Cloth Set of 3 ... $18.00 |
![]() Tea Cup Pillow Cove... $32.00 | ![]() Pandora Style Bead ... $ | ![]() Bright, Colorful Fa... $10.00 | ![]() DUDE BAG map case ... $38.00 |
Treasury tool is sponsored by Lazzia.com A/B image testing.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday Feature -- Mystic Wynd
This week's featured Etsy artist is the Etsyblogger of the month! Congrats to Karen of Mystic Wynd. Her shop is full of beautiful jewelry in a variety of styles. With so much loveliness, it's really hard to choose a favorite! But this Aspen Leaf necklace especially caught my eye. I love the simple, unique design.
Enjoy the interview!
1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
I sell a wide variety of jewelry designs using everything from acrylic beads to gemstones and everything in between. I’m self taught for the most part, although I’ve taken some classes in the basics. Gosh, my creative process is a 24/7 thing… I draw on life, nature, events, childhood memories - you name it. I’ll jot down notes or throw together certain components for future projects when something flashes through my mind and eventually it becomes a reality!
2. To which Etsy Teams do you belong?
Etsybloggers, of course! BEST (Boosting Etsy Shops Team), Treasury Team for Tutti, Captains’ Quarters, Etsy Blog Team, Etsy Success, and Handmadeology
3. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I love science and anything that makes me stretch my imagination, and I tend to be a bit of a nerd/geek at times. I currently have 7 grandchildren under the age of 6 thanks to my three children, and they are all the light of my life! My favorite getaway would be to a cabin in the mountains for a long weekend of hiking, skipping stones on a lake, hot dogs over a camp fire or hot chocolate in front of a fireplace, lots of nature photography, and maybe some fly fishing!
4. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
Hands down, it’s finding the time to do everything I need (and want) to do to be able to compete in the handmade market – creating, promoting, learning new techniques, and taking care of the business end of the business is pretty overwhelming at times, but I tend to be a workaholic, so for me it works!
5. What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
My advice to sellers would be to put yourself on the other side of the listing. A photo and a few words are often all a buyer has to go on and you want to give them the best possible information you can. Buying something sight unseen takes a leap of faith and the more accurate and detailed your listings are, the more likely your customer is to be satisfied with their decision to purchase from you. For the people buying on Etsy, please put yourself in the crafter’s shoes – many of us put our heart and soul into our work, not to mention the time we spend buying our supplies and doing the bookkeeping and trying to keep costs down while we keep quality up. You can shop for bargains or you can shop for quality, and occasionally you’ll be lucky and find both… don’t be afraid to ask questions to make sure that what you’re buying is going to meet your expectations.
6. If you had a gift certificate to Etsy for any one item you wanted, what would you buy?
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!

1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
I sell a wide variety of jewelry designs using everything from acrylic beads to gemstones and everything in between. I’m self taught for the most part, although I’ve taken some classes in the basics. Gosh, my creative process is a 24/7 thing… I draw on life, nature, events, childhood memories - you name it. I’ll jot down notes or throw together certain components for future projects when something flashes through my mind and eventually it becomes a reality!
2. To which Etsy Teams do you belong?
Etsybloggers, of course! BEST (Boosting Etsy Shops Team), Treasury Team for Tutti, Captains’ Quarters, Etsy Blog Team, Etsy Success, and Handmadeology
3. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I love science and anything that makes me stretch my imagination, and I tend to be a bit of a nerd/geek at times. I currently have 7 grandchildren under the age of 6 thanks to my three children, and they are all the light of my life! My favorite getaway would be to a cabin in the mountains for a long weekend of hiking, skipping stones on a lake, hot dogs over a camp fire or hot chocolate in front of a fireplace, lots of nature photography, and maybe some fly fishing!
4. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
Hands down, it’s finding the time to do everything I need (and want) to do to be able to compete in the handmade market – creating, promoting, learning new techniques, and taking care of the business end of the business is pretty overwhelming at times, but I tend to be a workaholic, so for me it works!
5. What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
My advice to sellers would be to put yourself on the other side of the listing. A photo and a few words are often all a buyer has to go on and you want to give them the best possible information you can. Buying something sight unseen takes a leap of faith and the more accurate and detailed your listings are, the more likely your customer is to be satisfied with their decision to purchase from you. For the people buying on Etsy, please put yourself in the crafter’s shoes – many of us put our heart and soul into our work, not to mention the time we spend buying our supplies and doing the bookkeeping and trying to keep costs down while we keep quality up. You can shop for bargains or you can shop for quality, and occasionally you’ll be lucky and find both… don’t be afraid to ask questions to make sure that what you’re buying is going to meet your expectations.
6. If you had a gift certificate to Etsy for any one item you wanted, what would you buy?
You should have put a dollar limit on the gift certificate! LOL – I’d love to have this dragon sculpture from metalbymartin - I can just imagine how beautifully it would patina over the years… sigh… I love it!
7. Which one song describes your life the best? Why?
There was a song back in the early 70’s that started out as a commercial for Coca-cola and ended up morphing into a real hit song. It’s called “I’d like to teach the world to sing” and its message is about peace and mankind working together to achieve a wonderful world. I’ve always hoped for that, so that song is kind of like my life’s vision.
8. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Birthdays for some new and veteren Etsybloggers!
Check out all these birthdays! Now that spring is on it's way and the birds are flocking back, wing your way over to these wonderful members and wish them a happy birthday. Ah spring...
Devine Designs Jewelry Thursday February 17
Create A Thought Monday February 21 5287960
Beaded Embellishments Tuesday February 22 5287960
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Devine Designs Jewelry Thursday February 17
Create A Thought Monday February 21 5287960
Beaded Embellishments Tuesday February 22 5287960
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
happy birthday,
Happy Birthday to You
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Touch of Spring Fever - An Etsybloggers Blog Carnival
Welcome to the March 14, 2011 edition of the Etsybloggers Blog Carnival!
What a busy time this is! Daylight Savings Time began for many of us, St Paddy's Day is just a couple of days away, and Spring will be making its debut in one short week! We like to keep the topics fresh and timely, but allow our members just a little bit of a choice in what to write about, so as the hostess of this carnival, I chose the following two topics:
1) The first day of spring is just around the corner. What one sure "first sign of spring" tells you that winter is finally over and the cycle of life is ready to begin anew?
2) Do you have a new Spring "look" planned? Are you going to change your hairstyle or makeup look? Try out a new fashion trend? Or have you simply started window shopping for some favorites? Share some before and afters, or tell us about something you'd love to try that's new!
My teammates will be joining me by posting the links to their blog carnival posts as comments to this post, so if you would, please make the rounds, enjoy the posts, and if anything touches your heart or puts a little spring in your step, be sure to leave a comment on their blog! (You KNOW we live for those comments!)
In the words of the immortal Robin Williams -
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: MysticWynd See the Etsybloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
What a busy time this is! Daylight Savings Time began for many of us, St Paddy's Day is just a couple of days away, and Spring will be making its debut in one short week! We like to keep the topics fresh and timely, but allow our members just a little bit of a choice in what to write about, so as the hostess of this carnival, I chose the following two topics:
1) The first day of spring is just around the corner. What one sure "first sign of spring" tells you that winter is finally over and the cycle of life is ready to begin anew?
2) Do you have a new Spring "look" planned? Are you going to change your hairstyle or makeup look? Try out a new fashion trend? Or have you simply started window shopping for some favorites? Share some before and afters, or tell us about something you'd love to try that's new!
My teammates will be joining me by posting the links to their blog carnival posts as comments to this post, so if you would, please make the rounds, enjoy the posts, and if anything touches your heart or puts a little spring in your step, be sure to leave a comment on their blog! (You KNOW we live for those comments!)
In the words of the immortal Robin Williams -
"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!""
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: MysticWynd See the Etsybloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
blog carnival,
spring fever,
street teams
Friday, March 11, 2011
Team Treasury: A Pot of Gold and Some Greens by DevineDesignsJewelry
Treasury Time again.. this time is "A Pot of Gold and Some Greens" by Devine Designs Jewelry. Don't forget to give everyone some loves by clicking on each item.. make this treasury HOT to be on Etsy Front Page.. Whoo Hoo!!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wish a new member Happy Birthday!
Welcome a new member to our fabulous team! Her birthday is coming up so be sure to wend your way over to her shop and let her know that her birthday is special!
Brigitte of The Posh Event Tuesday February 15
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Brigitte of The Posh Event Tuesday February 15
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Team Treasury: So Pretty in Pink... or Magenta, or Fuchsia, or Rose... or... by mysticwynd
Late.. but not too late.. isn't it?? :D
Team Treasury for 03/04 by mysticwynd
The Etsybloggers Team hopes everyone is feeling "in the pink" - and invites you to check out our shops by searching "etsybloggers" on Etsy! Find out more about the team by visiting our team page at http://www.etsy.com/teams/6362/etsybloggersor our team blog athttp://etsybloggers.blogspot.com/
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Team Treasury for 03/04 by mysticwynd
'So Pretty in Pink... or Magenta, or Fuchsia, or Rose... or...' by mysticwynd
The Etsybloggers Team hopes everyone is feeling "in the pink" - and invites you to check out our shops by searching "etsybloggers" on Etsy! Find out more about the team by visiting our team page at http://www.etsy.com/teams/6362/etsybloggersor our team blog athttp://etsybloggers.blogspot.com/
![]() Pink and Black Stri... $4.00 | ![]() Wood Necklace, Bang... $36.00 | ![]() Large Light Pink Ze... $3.00 | ![]() Pink Dahlia Cabocho... $8.50 |
![]() It's the Simple... $7.00 | ![]() Honeysuckle Pink Ru... $40.00 | ![]() sexy pink fluffy ne... $5.00 | ![]() FRIENDS Hot Pink an... $23.00 |
![]() Wub-Wub the Dead Te... $5.50 | ![]() White and Black Pea... $15.00 | ![]() Lovin' Your Fee... $6.00 | ![]() Cuff Flashy Hot Pin... $35.00 |
![]() Sonora Nubbie art d... $60.00 | ![]() Midnight Dahlia - B... $14.00 | ![]() my strawberry.. rag... $22.00 | ![]() Magenta Pink Go-Go ... $12.95 |
Treasury tool is sponsored by Lazzia.com A/B image testing.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Patch - Patch First Shop See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Monday, March 7, 2011
MiniMonday - NatureManipulated
This month’s featured MiniMonday shop is NatureManipulated: http://NatureManipulated.etsy.com. True to its name, this shop is a visual tour of all that nature offers in its beauty and elements. The creator behind “nature’s visuals” is Michelle, who believes that everything is a part of nature, some things are just
"nature manipulated."
Michelle has taken her vision of nature just one step future creating one-of-a-kind handcrafted jewelry, handmade greeting cards, along with some beautiful photographs of nature’s beauty through her lens.Michelle’s love of art started when she was a child taking art classes – continuing this passion at LaGuardia’s HS of the Performing Arts – which is located in Queen’s, NY, just outside of Manhattan, which in itself is an artist’s paradise! As most of us have experienced the confinements of assignments through school, Michelle took a break from her art work, but continued with her love of photography.
As a true artist knows, that need of creating a sketch or drawing of something we see, Michelle once again picked up those colored pencils, long neglected since HS, and began her passion of art while experiencing the colors that beauty that nature offers. It wasn’t long after that, that Michelle while shopping saw a pair of earrings she loved. Although out of her price range, Michelle realized that it was something that she could probably make herself. Thus the creation of her beautiful pieces of jewelry in her shop. Of course, true to her beliefs, her jewelry is a reflection of the natural gemstones with it unique colors that only nature could create.
Nature Manipulated’s shop also offers hand crafted cards created by Michelle. To learn more of Michelle art and her ideas visit her blog: http://Naturemanipulated.blogspot.com. I loved her blog where she searched the many shops on Etsy to make a Treasury of her own Baby Shower “reserved” list. Her blog also offers some useful tips for Etsy sellers on marketing the shops.
I love Michelle's quote regarding her lifetime passion: “I really enjoy creating things again and enveloping myself in the artsy world. I am glad that my childhood passion did not fade away forever. Sometimes when you take a little break, you come back stronger”; but it is her Philosophy that says the most about her, “At times it seems as if we have strayed so far from nature. We plan trips and vacations to be closer to it, to get away from everything that appears to be plastic. But plastic too is a part of nature, and everything man made is made from indigenous elements. Everything around us is nature taking on different forms. Everything is ‘Nature Manipulated’ “.
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: http://magdalenejewels.etsy.com/ See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.com Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
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