Thursday, November 25, 2010
EtsyBloggers team HOLIDAY SALE!!! Black Friday thru Cyber Monday!!!
H a p p y H o l i d a y s ! !
The EtsyBloggers HOLIDAY S*A*L*E* is going on from Black Friday thru Cyber Monday!!
That's Friday 11/26 thru Monday 11/29!!
See below for a list of all shops having a SALE!
H a p p y S h o p p i n g ! !
Rustic Goth
10% - 50% Off Everything in my Shop.
Whimsically dark original paintings, prints, wearable art, art covers and Real Egg Ornaments.
Prices will be adjusted through the Etsy on Sale app to reflect the Sale prices.
Bath and Beauty
Spotted Cow Soaps
20% off Everything in our shop. No need to wait for a Pay Pal refund or revised invoice, sale prices will be reflected on the site during the sale. Free Shipping within the USA.
Joey & Aleethea
10% OFF EVERYTHING!! (You can start shopping at 8pm EST on Thanksgiving evening!)
Super cool handmade baby and children's clothing for boys and girls! Custom made Monster Shirts, Monster Onesies, Monster Jeans, Monster Dresses, ANKLE BITERS Lounge Pants, Super Chic toddler dresses, FUN TIGHTS, Hair Scarves, Rings of Cuteness, baby accessories, super cutesie kawaii goodness, and more fun stuff!
Handmade By Sandi
20% OFF EVERYTHING CROCHETED!! mention "EtsyBloggers" in the message to seller when checking out and discount will be refunded through paypal.
All kinds of great crocheted items like hats just for you and scarves too! Felted bowls for your home, coffee and beer bottle cozies and more!
Free shipping and 10% off your entire purchase. Use coupon code Etsybloggers10.
Handcrafted crochet for the home.
Everything Else
10% off everything plus free shipping!!! Pine needle baskets, scrubbies...both dish and facial, dishcloths,
facecloths, pine needle gift baskets with various scrubbies
10% off everything plus free shipping: Christening items, hat and scarf sets, greeting cards, amigurumi, Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls
10% off all Seasonal items which includes all critter ornaments from dogs to bookworms to owls. Items will already be marked with discount price.
20% Off Our Message In A Bottle Collection +10% Off Everything Else! Free Shipping In The US + 1.00 Shipping Everywhere Else! (Sale prices will be reflected in store, no need to wait for a refund!)
Vintage meets modern with our unique mix of handmade jewelry. Our message in a bottle collection allows you to include your own personalized message in a bottle!
10% OFF EVERYTHING plus free gift for purchases over $25!
Handmade jewelry & gifts for the sweet and not so sweet
Eterna Stardust Designs
Handmade jewelry & accessories!
(use code: "EtsyBloggers" and refund will be sent via Paypal)
Unique handmade artisan jewelry rich in color and quality incl necklaces, earrings, bracelets, eyeglass chains, beaded lanyards, charms, zipper pulls, rosaries and more. Custom requests welcome! At Bits n Beads by Gilliauna color and quality is what we are all about. Let us help add a little extra color to your life!
Glowbug Design
Buy one get one half off- anything in the store. Half of the lower priced item will be refunded via PayPal.
Quality, eclectic, one-of-a-kind necklaces, bracelets and earrings inspired by nature and travel.
Free shipping and 10% off your entire purchase. Use coupon code Etsybloggers10.
Handcrafted jewelry specializing in chainmail and bead crochet.
20% off anything in the shop! (use code: EtsyBlogger" and a refund will be sent via PayPal)
One of a kind, ethnic jewelry and handmade books.
Bonus: a haiku especially written for each necklace and journal.
Tropical Blonde
10% off plus FREE SHIPPING on all orders
Polymer artisan beads and jewelry (refunds via paypal)
Tropical Blonde Supplies
10% off plus FREE SHIPPING on all orders (refunds via paypal)
Paper Goods
Memories for Life Scrapbooks
20% off all premade items (excludes custom albums). Items will already be marked down ahead of away
Custom Name and Word Albums, Premade Scrapbooks and Photo Albums, and Everything Else Paper Crafting!
20% off all items
FREE U.S./Canada SHIPPING on all items from 11/26-11/29! ($1.50 Shipping to Everywhere Else!)
Also, spend $10 (before shipping) and get a FREE gift!
~Handmade greeting cards, gift tags, fine art prints and more!
Glowbug Supplies
10% off your purchase- refunded via PayPal
A wide range of eclectic jewelry supplies from around the world.
Sandi's Stash
20% OFF ALL FABRIC!! mention "EtsyBloggers" in the message to seller when checking out and discount will be refunded through paypal.
Lovely fabric for you, your children, your home - my fabric, your inspiration!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Joey & Aleethea, Admin & Team Leader. See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
EtsyBloggers Treasury by nwwonders
EtsyBloggers Treasury by nwwonders!
Check it out here:
"EtsyBloggers Black Friday Super Sales"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Check it out here:
"EtsyBloggers Black Friday Super Sales"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday Feature -- Devine Designs Jewelry
This week's featured Etsy artist is Cindy of Devine Designs Jewelry -- the Etsyblogger of the Month for November. Congratulations, Cindy!
Her shop is full of such pretty things. I especially love this Purple Beaded Dragonfly bracelet -- one might be tempted to think she'd designed it just for me, because it's purple (my favorite color) and features dragonflies, of which I am particularly fond, as any Mama's Magic fan could tell you!
Enjoy the interview!
1. To which Etsy Teams do you belong?
Etsy Bloggers and FEST (Florida Etsy Street team)
2. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
I consider myself a cold forge metal artist. I work with wire and metals and hand tools to wrap, twist, weave sterling silver and copper into one of a kind jewelry creations. I do not duplicate or cookie cutter my creations. I use hand stamping and texturizing techniques as well. I love to incorporate natural gemstones and artisan made glass lampwork beads into my work. I try to think outside the box, and create something different. Sometimes ideas just pop into my head, and I usually draw out a design first before attempting it.
3. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I am a veterinary technician by trade. I like tattoos. (I have a few) It is an expensive "hobby".
4. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
My biggest challenge with Etsy, is in the photography department. I try to take good quality photos, have read and had tips on photography, upgraded my camera; but I think with jewelry it is difficult to see all the details, how light hits and reflects or how it will look on an individual. Selling jewelry is such a tactile thing.
5. What crafting skill(s) do you wish you had or hope to learn someday?
I wish to develop my jewelry making skills, and hopefully add metalsmithing and work with PMC too. I might even take up basket weaving!
6. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?,!/DevineDesignsJewelry
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Her shop is full of such pretty things. I especially love this Purple Beaded Dragonfly bracelet -- one might be tempted to think she'd designed it just for me, because it's purple (my favorite color) and features dragonflies, of which I am particularly fond, as any Mama's Magic fan could tell you!

1. To which Etsy Teams do you belong?
Etsy Bloggers and FEST (Florida Etsy Street team)
2. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
I consider myself a cold forge metal artist. I work with wire and metals and hand tools to wrap, twist, weave sterling silver and copper into one of a kind jewelry creations. I do not duplicate or cookie cutter my creations. I use hand stamping and texturizing techniques as well. I love to incorporate natural gemstones and artisan made glass lampwork beads into my work. I try to think outside the box, and create something different. Sometimes ideas just pop into my head, and I usually draw out a design first before attempting it.
3. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I am a veterinary technician by trade. I like tattoos. (I have a few) It is an expensive "hobby".
4. What is your biggest challenge related to your Etsy shop?
My biggest challenge with Etsy, is in the photography department. I try to take good quality photos, have read and had tips on photography, upgraded my camera; but I think with jewelry it is difficult to see all the details, how light hits and reflects or how it will look on an individual. Selling jewelry is such a tactile thing.
5. What crafting skill(s) do you wish you had or hope to learn someday?
I wish to develop my jewelry making skills, and hopefully add metalsmithing and work with PMC too. I might even take up basket weaving!
6. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?,!/DevineDesignsJewelry
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Friday, November 19, 2010
EtsyBloggers Treasury by randomcreative
EtsyBloggers Treasury by randomcreative!
Check it out here:
"Etsybloggers Zoo"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Check it out here:
"Etsybloggers Zoo"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Etsybloggers Carnival - November 5, 2010
Yes, we did have a carnival, and here where you can find it. The topics?
The first week of November is
1) "Give Wildlife a Brake" week. How are you celebrating?
2) time to get ready for holiday sales. We need some good working tips!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: STORYBEADER See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
The first week of November is
1) "Give Wildlife a Brake" week. How are you celebrating?
2) time to get ready for holiday sales. We need some good working tips!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: STORYBEADER See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday Feature -- Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park
This week's featured Etsy artist was the Etsyblogger of the Month for October. (Better late than never!) A big congratulations to Margaret, who is the owner of two fantastic Etsy shops:
Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park! Both shops are full of handmade goodness. I think these crocheted and beaded flowers are super cute, don't you? You can wear them on your wrist or in your hair!
Enjoy the interview!
1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
Splendid Little Stars: hand dyed cotton clothing and silk scarves and scrunchies
Sparkly Park: jewelry (mostly earrings right now) and paper goods such as cards and tags.
I learned to tie dye by just plunging in. My daughter's first grade teacher tie dyed with the children every year. She introduced me to the "good" dye. Then, with the help of my son, I made hundreds of shirts for several fundraisers. Over the years, I have developed my own unique processes, styles, and designs.

The dyeing process involves many steps: washing and drying the item, tying up, soaking in solution, dyeing, curing for @ 24 hours, washing, drying. That is the basic formula, of which there are variations. To paint with dye, I usually soak the item in a solution, let it dry, then paint and cure.
2. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I Iove photography and have found great joy in capturing the unique essence of nature and the spectacular drama of natural landscapes. Hiking in beautiful places is one of my most favorite things to do. I am inspired by art all around me--natural and human-made. I've enjoyed incorporating my photos into my blog and thus sharing my interest with others.
I love science and have a degree in zoology. I have taught nature and science classes, developed by me, to children in my neighborhood and at the YMCA. Once, a friend and I created a summer camp which we held for several years. We taught nature, art, science, music, and movement. It was so much fun! You can read more about it here.
3. What inspires your creations?
I am inspired by the texture, colors, shapes, and feel of the materials I work with. I am inspired by art around me. I love investigating the designs in nature. These designs are repeated in my work either literally or imaginatively. I love looking at the "flow," the movement of shapes and designs, across a space.
4. What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)? Why is it your favorite?

3 piece empire waist dress set for children. I have been making these in various patterns for many years. They have been a best seller and little girls love them (as do their moms)! They are so soft and comfortable. The pieces can be worn separately or mixed and matched, so it's a very versatile outfit. Most children can wear the dress for 2-3 years and the shirt and leggings for 1-2 years. It just warms my heart when I see a child loving something I made!
5. Give us some insight on how you personally, or your shop, gives back to your community.
There are many ways. I am passionate about giving to my community! I give of my time and I give of my creations. Once, I helped a group of kids tie dye shirts that they would be giving away to children while on a mission trip to Mexico.
I've been planning a section in my Splendid Little Stars shop called Charity Pink. I will give 50% of the profits of every sale of these particular pink shirts to breast cancer research.
6. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
WEBSITES: Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park
FACEBOOK: (sadly, I haven't done anything with it yet)
7. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your shop or your work?
I teach tie dye classes, mostly to children and their adult helpers. How fun to share with others an art I so enjoy!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park! Both shops are full of handmade goodness. I think these crocheted and beaded flowers are super cute, don't you? You can wear them on your wrist or in your hair!

1. Please tell us about the items in your Etsy shop. What do you make? How did you learn your craft? What is involved in your creative process?
Splendid Little Stars: hand dyed cotton clothing and silk scarves and scrunchies
Sparkly Park: jewelry (mostly earrings right now) and paper goods such as cards and tags.
I learned to tie dye by just plunging in. My daughter's first grade teacher tie dyed with the children every year. She introduced me to the "good" dye. Then, with the help of my son, I made hundreds of shirts for several fundraisers. Over the years, I have developed my own unique processes, styles, and designs.

The dyeing process involves many steps: washing and drying the item, tying up, soaking in solution, dyeing, curing for @ 24 hours, washing, drying. That is the basic formula, of which there are variations. To paint with dye, I usually soak the item in a solution, let it dry, then paint and cure.
2. Tell us two (or more) other interesting things about you.
I Iove photography and have found great joy in capturing the unique essence of nature and the spectacular drama of natural landscapes. Hiking in beautiful places is one of my most favorite things to do. I am inspired by art all around me--natural and human-made. I've enjoyed incorporating my photos into my blog and thus sharing my interest with others.
I love science and have a degree in zoology. I have taught nature and science classes, developed by me, to children in my neighborhood and at the YMCA. Once, a friend and I created a summer camp which we held for several years. We taught nature, art, science, music, and movement. It was so much fun! You can read more about it here.
3. What inspires your creations?
I am inspired by the texture, colors, shapes, and feel of the materials I work with. I am inspired by art around me. I love investigating the designs in nature. These designs are repeated in my work either literally or imaginatively. I love looking at the "flow," the movement of shapes and designs, across a space.
4. What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)? Why is it your favorite?

3 piece empire waist dress set for children. I have been making these in various patterns for many years. They have been a best seller and little girls love them (as do their moms)! They are so soft and comfortable. The pieces can be worn separately or mixed and matched, so it's a very versatile outfit. Most children can wear the dress for 2-3 years and the shirt and leggings for 1-2 years. It just warms my heart when I see a child loving something I made!
5. Give us some insight on how you personally, or your shop, gives back to your community.
There are many ways. I am passionate about giving to my community! I give of my time and I give of my creations. Once, I helped a group of kids tie dye shirts that they would be giving away to children while on a mission trip to Mexico.
I've been planning a section in my Splendid Little Stars shop called Charity Pink. I will give 50% of the profits of every sale of these particular pink shirts to breast cancer research.
6. Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
WEBSITES: Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park
FACEBOOK: (sadly, I haven't done anything with it yet)
7. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your shop or your work?
I teach tie dye classes, mostly to children and their adult helpers. How fun to share with others an art I so enjoy!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Mama's Magic StudioSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
EtsyBloggers Treasury by miesmama
EtsyBloggers Treasury by miesmama!
Check it out here:
"Etsybloggers Team - Fabulous Fall"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Check it out here:
"Etsybloggers Team - Fabulous Fall"

Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: The Art of Joy See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Warm wishes on a chilly day
Recently, we have been waking up to very chilly temps, and some of us have already seen snow! It is November, but many of us would rather see snow much later in the season. To help warm you up, go on over to our birthday gal's shop, and send her birthday greetings - guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
MagdaleneJewels Tuesday November 16
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
MagdaleneJewels Tuesday November 16
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
MiniMonday: The Grand Design
It began as a hobby of making jewelry for herself. Now cjgrand of The Grand Design makes jewelry for others. It began with just stones and now her new focus is steampunk. Just browse through her shop, every item is OOAK.
In addition to Steampunk, she has her metaphysical healing stone line - beautiful pieces with a description of the metaphysical characteristics of the stones.
Her blog features not only her work, but pieces by other artists as well - a new one each week!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: A Keeper's JackpotSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
In addition to Steampunk, she has her metaphysical healing stone line - beautiful pieces with a description of the metaphysical characteristics of the stones.
Her blog features not only her work, but pieces by other artists as well - a new one each week!
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: A Keeper's JackpotSee EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here: etsybloggers.comGot a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Birthday greetings to an Etsyblogger!
Good morning Etsybloggers! We have a terrific member who is having a birthday today. Head on over to her shop and give her all your wonderful wishes!
Gilliauna Wednesday November 3
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
Gilliauna Wednesday November 3
Posted for the EtsyBloggers team by: Handmade By Sandi
See EtsyBloggers team membership requirements here:
Got a blog? Love Etsy? Check us out!
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